So it is official that our main line computers BIOS is messed up, so we do not have a microphone or even speakers anymore. This means our programs also wont have sound in our games and what not if we stream from the computer, no matter what we do. However we still have twitch, and that has sound and microphone! So we hope to see you there, too!
We finally updated our theme after 20 years of having the same song that was made for us by the First Mate. You can listen to our new updated song here:
Happy Valentines day all! but to be fair, if the other person loved you, they would treat you like everyday is valentines day, right? Anyway, if all else doesn't work, you always have half off candy tomorrow. We love you here at the Sky Demons! Catch us on Rumble!
Hey all! December is here, and once again things are not getting much better. We reached a year of the termination and believe it or not, i am still trying to fight YouTube and this said company that caused this chaos to begin with. A weird thing happened as well, as this morning we got ANOTHER termination letter for the account that has been terminated already for a year, as i stated earlier. How exactly can you get terminated TWICE?! Who knows. I didn't know it could happen honestly. If you want to keep upto date and see the picture for yourself, look at the announcement tab on our discord. Until then, know I am always thinking of all of you.
It has come towards the end of our fruitless battle. After countless Emails to YouTube and NTT Solmare Corp (NTTソルマーレ株式会社), both companies refuse to work with me to see what exactly happened or resolve the problem. So unfortunately after 2,500 subscribers and over 7 thousand videos and celebrating our 20th year of creating, we have to move our hopes off and away from YouTube and head to Rumble. This does not mean I still am not emailing to resolve the issue, but it is not looking good. So please see our content on Rumble in the meantime.
After multiple attempts, emails, phone calls, tweets/X, and reddit forum posts (that NTT Solmare Corp/ NTTソルマーレ株式会社 kept deleting directly mind you!), the companies are activly ignoring my plea's and emails to release the channel and come to a compramise. I stated on multiple occasiosn that if they contacted me directly i would have fixed whatever issue that caused this to happen, as I am a civil person. however they do not want to handle this in a civil manor and Youtube keeps saying that i must take this issue to court. I do not know who they think I am, but what small time mother has that kind of money, when i have only did this as a hobby for over 20 years?
As it turns out it is much more deep than that.
So what actually happened was a fly-by bot owned by NTT Solmare Corp flagged multiple videos in hopes to steal monetization from me, only to find out that I was never monetized. So their result of "my" seemingly "wasting their time" was to copyright strike 7-10 videos at once to shut the channel down, and move on.
In the end it comes to this: Nobody was at fault and I have been working with YouTube to try and fix this problem since January of 2024 with no results. The only way to unlock it is to have the "holder" release the strikes, but NTT Solmare Corp is uncooperative in making a compromise and lift the wrongful strikes.
Both Youtube and NTT Solmare Corp/ NTTソルマーレ株式会社 are ignoring me in hopes to sweep the whole thing under the rug instead of admitting fault that this could be a very big mistake.
Well that's all nice and all to confirm i myself did nothing to get this to happen, but what about the 2,500+ people who looked up to me to make their gloomy days better? Not fixing this problem is not doing them any favors.
I will keep contacting them and do what I can to see about getting our channel back, because we Sky Demon Air Pirates is not just me, the Captain. It is all of us. All 2,500 of us who made this what it is.
I will do what i can. In the meantime, we will be posting our old and new content on Rumble so you can still smile! I will also still be on Discord to talk to you guys directly.
Try and have a good year, even if I am not in it as much! I'll be here for you.
After the new years birthday stream on 12/31/2023, we got a notification of termination from YouTube. Of course this came as a surprise to us all after being a content creator since the site was up (and even before hand), and upon following up, it showed that the flags came from NTTソルマーレ株式会社, which is NTT Solmare Corp ... yes, THAT one.
Mind my confusion to get flagged by a company we have supported for over 5 years into overnight termination directly after my birthday. I have my hopes that it will be fixed, a this seems to be a simple misunderstanding. I will keep you updated. Have a great new year!
2024 is our 21st year of creating content, and I cant wait to see what we have in store!